Season’s Greetings,


To all:

Heads of Departments

 Heads of Divisions

Members of Staff


At this time of year, it’s inevitable as we look forward to spending time with family, friends, and loved ones during the Yuletide season. It’s a time to "catch up" with people you may not have seen for a while and reflectively reminisce about happy times gone by.

However, this festive season will be somewhat different for many of us. I think we can all agree it has been a challenging year with the COVID-19 pandemic worldwide. It has disrupted how we interact and how we will even spread Christmas joy and cheer. It is a time fraught with deep emotions, grief, and loss, but what pleases me most as Chief Executive Officer, is the fighting spirit of each member of staff. You have gone above and beyond to ensure that patients are taken care of, even sometimes putting yourselves and needs aside. When we learnt of our first COVID-19 case in March at the Hospital, our staff was already in preparation mode, with a task force in place several weeks in advance. To date, they still continue to monitor the situation at hand.

Although not an easy feat, you took up the baton and ran head-on. As we look forward, I can say like Robert Schuller, “Tough times don't last, tough people do.”

“Preserving our Past, Managing the Present to Create our Future”

Even as the situation around the virus continues to evolve, I encourage you to press on and look forward with great anticipation. I understand many of you may be feeling isolated, as public health officials encourage us to distance ourselves from others and many events are cancelled. In light of this, sadly this year we will not be hosting any form of Christmas gathering/functions. I encourage you to continue to find ways to connect with your loved ones during this time. Make a phone call, video chat with family and friends, send a handwritten note in the mail, spend time with your child(ren) doing “silly” things, enjoy a movie night in with your family. Emotional wellness is just as important as physical well-being. As you take precautions to keep your family physically healthy, don’t forget to take a moment for yourself.

On behalf of the management, I want to use this opportunity to say thank you for your unwavering support during this most difficult time in serving our patients and institution. It is greatly appreciated.

The gift of love, the gift of peace, and the gift of happiness. May all these be yours this Christmas.

Happy Holidays! May you soar into 2021 filled with health, happiness, and prosperity. Keep safe and my God bless you.

Best regards,


Kevin Allen,

Chief Executive Officer